0% Pre-Payment Plans

When you book your session out, you can take advantage of our in-house payment plans with 0% interest. The farther you book your session out, the smaller the payments are--YES!! This means you will be paid in full before your session and when you come in the day of your session we can focus solely on YOU and YOUR DAY because the money part has been taken care of.

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal Credit.


Pre-Payment FREEBIES

What are they? Bonuses that are FREE to anyone who is prepaying for their products. They include free products and free bonus sets that can ONLY be unlocked by prepaying for your products and/or collection. You choose what bonuses you get--we don't choose for you.

So what are the products and bonus sets you get to choose from?



We can all use time to prepare--the further you book out your session, the more time you have to prepare for it; whether it's shed a few pounds, get a little tanner, get waxed, etc., you'll have time to do it. A deadline gives you time to plan and prepare for the things you want to accomplish, which you'll be much more likely to accomplish with a session date in mind.

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